Thursday, December 27, 2012

Book an Online Blog Interview By @DjTecnine - More Info

Do you need more exposure for your online presence? Are you making a buzz with your music and are trying to expand listener reach? The just blog and leave me a message. I get at least 7,000 views monthly. There is no charge, you just need at least 5 tracks, a video, Facebook, and Twitter account so my team can review each candidate. Only the strong survive. Want to know more about me just check my blog or Google my bio. I'm just trying to spread the word of other talented artists not being heard.  

I can be reached at:

Interview with Ky Williams of Lord Gang on set for video shoot with Treach from Naughty by Nature and Doitall of the legendary Lords of the Underground.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Connecticut School Shooter Identified as 20y/o Adam Lanza of Hoboken NJ

Update 3:49pm

The Connecticut elementary school shooter has been identified as 20 year old Adam Lanza of Hoboken, NJ. Police are at 1313 Grand Street in Hoboken right now, and one of his family members was taken into custody by Hoboken Police. New reports confirm his mother was a teacher in the school and she is also confirmed dead.

Terrified Children

Another School Shooting - At Least 27 Dead Including Children

Residents of Newtown, Connecticut are in mourning after this mornings shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Reports of a man walking into the school this morning and going on a shooting rampage, killing teachers as well as students. The shooter is reported to be dead but not confirmed yet. At least 18 of the dead are children ages unknown. My prayers go out to the families and victims of the shooting.

Photo by the AP

Why Was The New Jersey City Medical Center Put in Flood Zone?

Here's is another good question Hurricane Sandy brought to light. Why Was The New Jersey City Medical Center Put in Flood Zone? The New Jersey City Medical Center opened up a few years ago after the old hospital was deemed a hazard. The good thing about the old location was that it sat on top of one of the highest points in Jersey City, on the corner of Baldwin Ave, and Montgomery St. This also placed it in the heart of the city. The importance of the Jersey Medical Center is essential to the county as well being that it is a Level 2 Trauma center, and the nearest Level 1 Trauma center is in Newark. So being that the JCMC is so important why would they put it in an area that is surely prone to flooding in a natural catastrophe. Anyone that knows the city could see this coming a mile away. Poor planning by the city and developers on this one. During the storm and weeks after the hospital had to divert patients to other area hospitals that can't really handle the emergencies the JCMC can. So basically Christ Hospital became the main hub of all medical emergencies in the county. All the other hospitals in the county are unfortunately in flood zones as well. Palisades General Hospital, Meadowlands Hospital, and Hoboken Medical Center are all near masses of water. Hopefully this was a lesson learned and we don't have to go through another crisis like this for a very long time. But or local governments need to do better disaster planing. I know that it cost $115,000,000 to build, but something needs to be done to avoid this from happening again.

Temporary ER at the NEW JCMC

Thursday, December 13, 2012

FEMA and City of Hoboken, NJ Neglect Volunteer EMS After Sandy

As many of you know already I spent several years as an EMT for the state of New Jersey. Today I heard some sad news as to the conditions of the state of Hoboken's Emergency Medical Services. I was speaking to someone I know that volunteers for the City of Hoboken's EMS service, this person wishes to be anonymous but the conversation we had about funding for new ambulances that were destroyed by the wrath of Hurricane Sandy was devastating to my ears. I ask this person was FEMA or the City of Hoboken going to replace the damaged ambulances, the answer I got was no. The volunteers do not qualify for emergency funding by FEMA, and the city of Hoboken is too cheap help fund it's own ambulance service. Now keep in mind that the Hoboken police and fire department are paid services and fully funded by the city. Now the Emergency Medical Service for Hoboken has remained volunteer and is left to fend themselves using fund raisers to help supply the ambulance service. My question is, how does a city such as Hoboken that makes millions of dollars off of police and parking fines, taxes of local establishments, etc, leave their first line of  medical defense so helpless? How can the Mayor of Hoboken Dawn Zimmer be so negligent as to not even have a budget for the city's EMS. The mayor makes over $100,000 a year, and the people that put their lives on the line on a daily basis get nothing. I don't see any fairness in this at all. Although the city of Hoboken is only one square mile, the city generates enough money to fund the mayor, police, fire department, and even parking authority. So parking authority in Hoboken is more important than their own emergency medical services. How sad is that? If anyone else thinks this is wrong please pass this message on, let's see if we can correct this horrible situation in the City of Hoboken! No more fund raisers for Hoboken EMS, create a budget!

Simba the Bluenose Pitbull Puppy

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Exclusive Freestyle By Doitall of Lords of the Underground

Thats right, thats New Jersey's own Doitall (Do-it-all) of the legendary Lords of the Underground freestyling on an intro for one of my mixtapes. Keep your eyes in his direction. Lords of the Underground is making a comeback along side the new Lord Gang label. Be sure to follow them on Twitter @Doitalldu @LOTUG1 @LordGangDJz @KyWill211

Simple Blog Promotion and Marketing Tips

So you want to know more about blogging? Well you have come to the right place.


Blogging really relies on one main focus, and that is relevant topics. You need to put out topics that people wan to relate to not matter what that may be. There are billions of internet users searching for unlimited topics. The trick is getting them to find what you are putting out there. Keywords are a very important part of this function. The keywords you choose will aid and direct the searches to your topic. 20 keywords is usually the limit for most sites in order to speed up searches. So it's not about having as many keywords as possible either. It's more about the keywords you choose to represent you. If you are a musician, keywords such as "music, mp3, rock, hip hop, pop, etc.", are crucial.  

Social Networking:

Social networks play another great role in blogging. As you can see below this page is set up to share on several social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Depending on your following the results will vary. I personally favor Twitter as far as getting my blogs publicized on the web more. The reason is that there are programs called web crawlers that search for keywords or "hash tags" used on Twitter. This increases when your followers retweet as well. Facebook works well too, but as I said before it all depends on your content and following. Keep in mind that people will only be interested if its relevant to their lifestyles.


Being consistent in writing blogs is essential. The more you blog, the more chances you have of your blog being read or looked at. Some people choose to stay on one topic, and that is fine. I choose to write about anything interesting, from music, politics, to real life events. I like to have a broad wide-ranged audience. This also helps me keep track of what topics work better than others. Right now I have nearly 100 blog posts, and just over 25,000 views, with about 5,000 views in just the past month with some extra online promotion I started implementing using the techniques I described. I don't think blogging has to be so complicated. You can blog about almost anything, you can promote yourself, music, brands, headlines, videos, and more. If you have any question please feel free to comment and I will answer when I have time. Thank you for taking the time to read my tips, hope this helps as many people out there as possible.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Obedience Training Pitbull Puppy with Food Part 2

Update: Simba is now 4 months now. His obedience level is getting better by the day. As you will see how calm he remains during his feeding.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

#1 Dancehall Reggae Mixtape of All Time Free

Download the hottest Dancehall Reggae Mixtape free!
Almost 15,000 downloads and 41,000 Plays. By the hottest DJ Team - DJ Tecnine and DJ Pistolero

Saturday, November 24, 2012

WTF! Radio Stations Killed Hip Hop Music

So how did radio stations kill music? The answer is simple. Many of us that grew up in the 80's and 90's remember waiting for your favorite song to play on the radio took a few hours. Especially those of us that wanted to record a song on cassette, with the record and pause button on standby. Now you hear the same 6 songs on the radio all day long no more than 45 minutes apart. There are thousands of unheard songs out there by very talented artists that can't afford to pay to get their songs heard yet less have it played on the radio. It's so sad what commercial radio has come to. Hope a change comes soon. As a DJ and a fan of music I ask, please give us more music. Give other artists that opportunity to shine!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Marijuana - America's Losing War

For almost 100 years America has been fighting a losing war against marijuana spending billions of US tax dollars in a futile attempt to keep it of the streets. Marijuana was lobbied to be illegal in the early 1900's by industrial paper companies due to the fact that paper was found to be produced cheaper if made by hemp instead of trees. Since then the debate between the pros and cons of this so called drug has been a hot issue in this country. Now at the the turn of the 21st Century many states have begun to repeal the federal law and legalize it even though it is still illegal under federal law. Now in the year 2012 the two states of Washington and Colorado have made the recreational use of marijuana legal therefore freeing millions of dollars in tax-payer money and law enforcement resources to combat the real dangerous narcotics such as cocaine, crack, meth, and numerous other dangerous substances. Though the pros and cons of marijuana use are still highly debated, the fact of the matter is that the use is still safer than smoking tobacco or consuming alcohol. Researchers believe that legalizing and taxing marijuana sales would save the US government up to 14 billion dollars a year in tax payer money. 

Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug.

The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You’ll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.
You’ll also see that the history of marijuana’s criminalization is filled with:
  • Racism
  • Fear
  • Protection of Corporate Profits
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
  • Personal Career Advancement and Greed
These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal.

For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal. It’s not a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it’s been in use. Its known uses go back further than 7,000 B.C. and it was legal as recently as when Ronald Reagan was a boy.
The marijuana (hemp) plant, of course, has an incredible number of uses. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, and over the centuries the plant was used for food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more. This adds to some of the confusion over its introduction in the United States, as the plant was well known from the early 1600′s, but did not reach public awareness as a recreational drug until the early 1900′s.
America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619. It was a law “ordering” all farmers to grow Indian hempseed. There were several other “must grow” laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp — try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements – rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.
The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.

Harry J. Anslinger
Anslinger was an extremely ambitious man, and he recognized the Bureau of Narcotics as an amazing career opportunity — a new government agency with the opportunity to define both the problem and the solution. He immediately realized that opiates and cocaine wouldn’t be enough to help build his agency, so he latched on to marijuana and started to work on making it illegal at the federal level.
Anslinger immediately drew upon the themes of racism and violence to draw national attention to the problem he wanted to create. He also promoted and frequently read from “Gore Files” — wild reefer-madness-style exploitation tales of ax murderers on marijuana and sex and… Negroes. Here are some quotes that have been widely attributed to Anslinger and his Gore Files:
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”
“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”
“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”
“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”
“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”
“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”
“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”
And he loved to pull out his own version of the “assassin” definition:
“In the year 1090, there was founded in Persia the religious and military order of the Assassins, whose history is one of cruelty, barbarity, and murder, and for good reason: the members were confirmed users of hashish, or marihuana, and it is from the Arabs’ ‘hashashin’ that we have the English word ‘assassin.’”
 Yellow Journalism
Harry Anslinger got some additional help from William Randolf Hearst, owner of a huge chain of newspapers. Hearst had lots of reasons to help. First, he hated Mexicans. Second, he had invested heavily in the timber industry to support his newspaper chain and didn’t want to see the development of hemp paper in competition. Third, he had lost 800,000 acres of timberland to Pancho Villa, so he hated Mexicans. Fourth, telling lurid lies about Mexicans (and the devil marijuana weed causing violence) sold newspapers, making him rich.
Some samples from the San Francisco Examiner:
“Marihuana makes fiends of boys in thirty days — Hashish goads users to bloodlust.”
“By the tons it is coming into this country — the deadly, dreadful poison that racks and tears not only the body, but the very heart and soul of every human being who once becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms…. Marihuana is a short cut to the insane asylum. Smoke marihuana cigarettes for a month and what was once your brain will be nothing but a storehouse of horrid specters. Hasheesh makes a murderer who kills for the love of killing out of the mildest mannered man who ever laughed at the idea that any habit could ever get him….”
And other nationwide columns…
“Users of marijuana become STIMULATED as they inhale the drug and are LIKELY TO DO ANYTHING. Most crimes of violence in this section, especially in country districts are laid to users of that drug.”
“Was it marijuana, the new Mexican drug, that nerved the murderous arm of Clara Phillips when she hammered out her victim’s life in Los Angeles?… THREE-FOURTHS OF THE CRIMES of violence in this country today are committed by DOPE SLAVES — that is a matter of cold record.”
Hearst and Anslinger were then supported by Dupont chemical company and various pharmaceutical companies in the effort to outlaw cannabis. Dupont had patented nylon, and wanted hemp removed as competition. The pharmaceutical companies could neither identify nor standardize cannabis dosages, and besides, with cannabis, folks could grow their own medicine and not have to purchase it from large companies. 

Marijuana VS Alcohol 

  • Many people die from alcohol use. Nobody dies from marijuana use. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana.
  • People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal marijuana overdose. The official publication of the Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, reported that alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death. Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a case of an individual dying from a marijuana overdose. Meanwhile, according to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur the United States each year.
  • The health-related costs associated with alcohol use far exceed those for marijuana use. Health-related costs for alcohol consumers are eight times greater than those for marijuana consumers, according to an assessment recently published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal. More specifically, the annual cost of alcohol consumption is $165 per user, compared to just $20 per user for marijuana. This should not come as a surprise given the vast amount of research that shows alcohol poses far more – and more significant – health problems than marijuana.
  • Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells.
  • Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.
  • Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.
  • Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury.

Safer for the Community

  • Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior. Marijuana use does not. Studies have repeatedly shown that alcohol, unlike marijuana, contributes to the likelihood of aggessive and violent behavior. An article published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors reported that "alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship," whereas "cannabis reduces the likelihood of violence during intoxication."
  • Alcohol use is a major factor in violent crimes. Marijuana use is not. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 25-30% of violent crimes in the United States are linked to the use of alcohol. According to a report from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, that translates to about 5,000,000 alcohol-related violent crimes per year. By contrast, the government does not even track violent acts specifically related to marijuana use, as the use of marijuana has not been associated with violence. (Of course, we should note that marijuana prohibition, by creating a widespread criminal market, is associated with acts of violence.)
  • Alcohol use contributes to the likelihood of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Marijuana use does not. Alcohol is a major contributing factor in the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault. This is not to say that alcohol causes these problems; rather, its use makes it more likely that an individual prone to such behavior will act on it. For example, a study conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions found that among individuals who were chronic partner abusers, the use of alcohol was associated with significant increases in the daily likelihood of male-to-female physical aggression, but the use of marijuana was not. Specifically, the odds of abuse were eight times higher on days when men were drinking; the odds of severe abuse were 11 times higher. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website highlights alcohol as the "most commonly used chemical in crimes of sexual assault" and provides information on an array of other drugs that have been linked to sexual violence. Given the fact that marijuana is so accessible and widely used, it is quite telling that the word "marijuana" does not appear anywhere on the page.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Politicians and Athletes Making More Money Than Those Risking Their Lives

Pencil Pushers, Politicians, and Athletes Earning More Than Those Risking Their Lives Everyday!

I just saw something this morning that I have been hearing for a while that makes a lot of sense and basically demoralizes the value system of the United States of America. The thing that set the light of in my head, and its not something I haven't thought of already. Why are  people such as athletes, and pencil pushing politicians making more money than people that actually put their lives on the line day in and day out fighting for our country, and those putting their lives at risk on an everyday basis at the civil service level. Our soldiers, firefighters, police, EMT and Paramedics deserve more. As a retired EMT I know this first hand. I been retired a few years due to illness from being a World Trade Center Rescuer. Meanwhile we have people that never been on the front line of anything making more money and controlling our lives. I'm sorry but a judge at any level should not be making more money than someone that can actually save his or her life, neither should a politician. This is one of the issues that has our country drowning in debt. Politicians, and lawmakers are twisting the laws to their own benefit at the peoples expense. I honestly think a Judges salary cap should be no more that $50,000 to $60,000 a year. A soldiers pay should be raised to at least $70,000 to $80,000 a year. Athletes are the worst of them all, they make millions a year and some of them still bitch and complain that they are not making enough money just to throw or catch a ball. Lets see them run into a burning building, stand in the line of fire, or resuscitate someone's loved one on a daily basis. Things such as this are what brings America down, we glamorize all the wrong things and worship the wrong people. I have to honestly say that athletes such as Pat Tillman who left the NFL to actually be on the front line, and unfortunately he was killed in action serving our country. I salute him for being a real American. Lets bring our personal value up America. Let try to control what our elected officials and athletes earn, and hopefully that will give them a better perspective of what is right and wrong instead of dollars and cents!

Soldiers Praying

Fallen Firefighter Being Honored

Emergency Medical Services Working Hard

Police Officers Keeping our Streets Safe 

Winter Storm Athena Batters North East 1 Week After Sandy

Thursday November 8, 2012

The North East coast of the United States got pummeled once again, not by a hurricane this time, but by early winter storm named Athena on November 7, 2012. People without power still struggling to get by with what they have left now find themselves digging out of an early winter wonderland with some areas getting over a foot of snow.

3:30pm EST

3:45pm EST

 5:30pm EST

7:00pm EST

 November 8, 2012 - 7:30am EST

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mitt Happens - President Obama Wins Second Term

In a crushing win by Democrats in last nights 2012 election, President Barack Obama gets re-elected for second term as President of the United States of America. Mitt Romney concedes to defeat after losing the last keys states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. Now is the time to unite as nation and work together as one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Training Puppy To Sit & Lay Down Part 2 - Pitbull

This is a sure way to get your puppy to sit and lay down, you just have to be patient. This is Simba, 11 week old blue nose pitbull.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Training Pitbull Puppy to Sit and Stay using Food and Commands

How to train your puppy using food, treats, and commands. This is Simba, blue nose pitbull about 10 weeks old.

House Training Puppy - Blue Nose Pitbull

How to house train your puppy. Here is Simba, blue nose pitbull about 10 weeks old.

Monday, July 30, 2012

NYC - NJ Puerto Rico T-Shirts by Rep Your Hood Urban Apparel

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Casting Latina Female Models NYC - NJ Area 18 and Over

We are looking for young, talented, and beautiful Latina's for photo shoots and more. If you are interested please take a few minutes to email us your info, photos, and/or videos.

Send Resume And Photos 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Usher's stepson brain dead after boating accident - Video

Grammy Award-winning singer Usher's stepson was declared brain dead following a boating accident near Atlanta.
The 11-year-old boy, identified as Kyle Glover, was taken by helicopter to the hospital Friday, along with a 15-year-old girl who was less seriously injured in the crash.
Investigators say the children were being towed on an inner tube by a rented boat in Lake Lanier when they were struck by someone in their party who was riding a rented wave runner. Glover is the son of Usher's ex-wife, with whom he recently went through a bitter divorce.
The family is reportedly making the decision whether to take the boy off of life support. Police are investigating, and there is no word if anyone will be charged. 


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miami Zombie Cannibal Rudy Eugene had only Pot in his System

"Spiderman No.1 Peel and Stick Comic Book Cover Wall Decal"

Rudy Eugene, the man who chewed off a homeless man’s face on the MacArthur Causeway and was shot to death by Miami police, had no drugs in his system other than marijuana, the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s office said Wednesday afternoon.

There was widespread speculation after the May 26 incident, parts of which were caught on video by a Miami Herald security camera, that Eugene might have been high on so-called “bath salts,” which have been blamed for psychotic behavior in other cases around the country. “The department has ruled out the most common drugs found in ‘bath salts,’ a press release from the ME’s office said.

The toxicology testing “has identified the active components of marijuana,” the release said. “The laboratory has tested for but not detected any other street drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs, or any adulterants found in street drugs. This includes cocaine, LSD, amphetamines (Extasy, Meth and others), phencyclidine (PCP or Angel Dust), heroin, oxycodone, Xanax, synthetic marijuana (Spice), and many other similar compounds.”
The ME’s office said it sought the help of an outside forensic toxicology lab, “which has confirmed the absence of ‘bath salts,’ synthetic marijuana and LSD.” The ME’s office said that “within the limits of current technology by both laboratories,” marijuana was the only drug found in Eugene’s system.
Eugene’s victim, Ronald Poppo, is recovering at Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center.

This story will be updated as more details become available.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama administration won't seek deportation of young illegal immigrants

The Obama administration announced on Friday that it would no longer seek the deportation of most young illegal immigrants, and would instead allow them to apply for work permits, a significant policy shift with potentially major electoral implications.
The Department of Homeland Security said that, effective immediately, the government would no longer seek the deportation of illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, and would allow them to apply for work permits if they meet certain criteria.
“Our nation’s immigration laws must be enforced in a firm and sensible manner,” said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in a statement Friday. A senior administration official said in a conference call with reporters that as many as 800,000 undocumented immigrants stand to benefit from this change. Napolitano said that the shift represented neither immunity nor amnesty -- buzzwords for conservatives who oppose illegal immigration -- but instead represented an instance of "prosecutorial discretion" in which the government had re-evaluated its priorities in enforcing the law.

The announcement represented a major policy shift, and its political implications will be significant.The shift essentially accomplishes many of the legislative intentions of the DREAM Act, an immigration reform bill that had stalled in Congress due to Republican objections. President Barack Obama favors the legislation, while presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has said he would veto that law.

The Obama administration is going to stop deporting young illegal immigrants, who came to the US under age 16, and offer them a path to citizenship. NBC's Mike Viqueira reports.

The new rule comes amid a bruising election year fight between Obama and Romney, in which the Latino vote could be decisive. Obama enjoys a strong advantage with Latino voters, winning 61 percent of Latinos vs. 27 percent for Romney in a mid-May NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Telemundo poll.

The Hispanic vote is of particular importance in swing states like Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Florida, among others. Those states could swing the election toward Obama or Romney, elevating the importance of the margin between the two candidates with Latino voters.

Obama's biggest challenge, though, has involved motivating Latino voters to turn out for him with the same strength they had in 2008. The president had faced lingering complaints stemming from his inability to advance the comprehensive immigration reform he had promised as a candidate in 2008.

The president was scheduled to make remarks about the immigration policy change at the White House at 1:15 p.m. ET on Friday.

In a memorandum to immigration enforcement officials, Napolitano wrote that immigrants who were illegally brought to the United States as children "lacked the intent to violate the law," and pose few national security risks.
The memo said the government would not pursue immigrants who met five criteria. Individuals must:
  • Have come to the United States under the age of 16,
  • Be no older than 30,
  • Be currently enrolled in school, have graduated high school or served in the military,
  • Have been in the country for five continuous years, and
  • Have a clean criminal record.
A senior administration official noted that the new rules were not permanent, though, and conceded that a different administration with a different policy could conceivably choose to withdraw this regulation.
"The executive can always change its mind about how to exercise discretion," said the official.
Time Magazine focuses on undocumented immigration in the U.S. in its latest issue with an article by writer Jose Antonio Vargas, who publicly revealed he is an undocumented immigrant. Time's Rick Stengel joins Morning Joe to discuss.

The policy shift presents a challenge for Romney, who ran to the right of some of his opponents on the issue of immigration during the Republican primary. He had opposed the DREAM Act, and explained during a debate that his immigration policy involved "self-deportation."  

That hard-line stance prompted handwringing among Republicans who have long worried about the long-term political fallout associated with alienating Latino voters. Florda Gov. Jeb Bush suggested earlier this week that much of the Republican rhetoric surrounding immigration had been "insulting." 

"Change the tone would be the first thing," he said of his advice to Republicans. "Second, on immigration, I think we need to have a broader approach." 

Ironically, the Obama administration's new rule would accomplish many of the same goals of a limited version of the DREAM Act proposed by Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, which stops short of offering young illegal immigrants citizenship, but gives them a type of legal status. Romney said he was considering the proposal from Rubio, a popular choice of conservatives to round out the Republican ticket as a vice presidential nominee.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Judge revokes Zimmerman's bond in Trayvon Martin killing

Neighborhood watchman accused of giving misleading testimony about his finances

Prosecutors are asking for George Zimmerman’s bond to be revoked.

SANFORD, Fla. — A judge has revoked the bond of the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and ordered him returned to jail within 48 hours.
Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester said Friday that George Zimmerman misled the court about how much money he had available when his bond was set for $150,000 in April. Prosecutors claim Zimmerman had $135,000 available that had been raised by a website he set up.
Prosecutors also say he failed to surrender a second passport. The defense says the finances are an innocent misunderstanding. 
Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder and is claiming self-defense.

Fund To Help Miami Zombie Attack Victim Started

Fund set up to help victim of face chewing attack

Posted: Yesterday at 4:30 pm EDT
MIAMI (AP) -- A fund has been set up to help the victim of the face-chewing attack in Miami.
Jackson Memorial Foundation announced Thursday that is has opened a fund to assist 65-year-old Ronald Poppo. Donations can be made online. Checks can also be sent to the foundation.
Surveillance video shows Poppo being attacked Saturday afternoon by 31-year-old Rudy Eugene. A police officer shot and killed Eugene, who bit into Poppo's face in broad daylight alongside a busy highway. Police have not released a motive for the attack on Poppo, who had been homeless for decades.
Experts on facial reconstruction say Poppo faces a lengthy recovery, including months of treatment to rebuild his features. He remains hospitalized.
(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Miami Zombie Attack Timeline and Video


Here’s a timeline of the key moments in the Saturday, May 26, Miami Herald security video of the flesh-eating attack on the MacArthur Causeway.
The video is from a rooftop camera on the southwest corner of the six-story Herald building. On the right center of the screen is a Herald parking garage. Above it, right to left across the screen, is North Bayshore Drive, running between the Herald parking lot and the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts.
Diagonally across the bottom of the frame is the Metromover track. The roadway on the left is the MacArthur Causeway offramp heading west, toward the top of the screen, in the direction of the Arsht Center.
The scene of the attack, at the left bottom edge of the frame, is separated from the roadway by a concrete barrier. The view of the attack and the aftermath is blocked at times by palm trees and the Metromover track.
The video timestamp begins at 13:54 — 1:54 p.m. It’s a sunny day. Palm trees wave. Cars zip by on the causeway. The Herald parking lot sits empty. There is a person sitting in the corner of the video, near the walkway along the causeway.
13:54:49: The attacker, later identified as Rudy Eugene, staggers up to the man on the walkway, later identified as Ronald Poppo.
13:54:56: The encounter starts. A second later, a bicyclist rides by.
13:55:00: The attacker bends down. Shadows bob and weave. The attacker leans over the victim. Shadows and palm trees hide most of the view.
13:56:55: The Metromover goes by.
13:57:22: The attacker gets up and moves. A few seconds later, he rolls the victim down the walkway and continues pulling and kicking the him for several seconds.
13:57:47: The attacker stands over him and gets down on his knees, straddling the victim’s head. He seems to tug at the victim. The attacker starts punching the victim.
13:58:23: The attacker shifts the victim’s position, moving him over. He still straddles the victim and leans into him with his face. For several minutes, he comes up then leans forward and down into the victim.
13:59:37: The attacker stands up, grabs the victim and drags him further down the walkway. He drops the victim, walks around and tugs at the victim’s legs, trying to pull at something. The movement is hidden behind shadows and palm trees. But the two figures can be made out, one on the ground, the other leaning over him.
14:03:19: A second bicyclist rides by, slowing down as the bicycle nears where the attack is happening. A white car passes by and slows down, crawling by the attack scene. The bicyclist zips away, then turns around and comes back. The car moves on.
14:10:56: A third person with a bicycle walks by. A few seconds later, he gets on the bike and rides away.
14:11:28: A police car between the Herald parking lot and the Arsht Center moves toward the attack scene. It starts to get on the MacArthur Causeway but in the wrong direction.
14:11:47: Another bicyclist goes by.
14:11:58: The police car makes a U-turn and moves toward the attack scene.
14:12:06: A fourth bicyclist stops, then keeps going.
14:13:13: The police car arrives on the scene, driving the wrong way on the offramp. The officer gets out of the vehicle and walks around on the side of his car.
14:13:27: The officer draws his gun. The view of the shooting of the blocked by the Metromover track.
14:14:28: More police cars arrive.
14:15:20: The security camera zooms in on the attack scene.
14:16:16: The victim moves his legs
14:19:44: The victim sits up. His hands and legs are covered in blood. He’s naked from the waist down. The attacker’s legs are view on the ground, but there is no movement.
14:22:50: Three paramedics appear and hop over the concrete barrier with a stretcher.
14:23:40: Paramedics drag the victim onto the stretcher.
14:24:07: The victim moves his arms and touches his head.
14:24:23: Paramedics unfold a neck brace and put it on Poppo.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Ways To Make Money Through Google Adsense

Well here is the bottom line about making money with Google Adsense. I'm not going to sit here and say yes it's going to make you rich over-night or promise you dream vacations. The reality of it is yes you can make decent money off of Google Adsense using various outlets such as blogs, is very good and integrates with Adsense very well. Another method I use is Youtube, and through Youtube I can monetize any video I have the rights to. This enables Youtube to add commercials and ads to your video, and when someone clicks you earn money. This is not a Pay Per Click where you have to spend money. The biggest investment you will make on this is time. The more time and effort you put into promoting your blogs or videos, the better results you will get. It doesn't take much but an idea. Look thru my blog and get an idea of what I'm doing. Who knows, you may come up with something great. Good luck!

Here is an Example of a Monetized Video on Youtube, if you don't see the ad or commercial on here then watch it on Youtube. And the blog, well take a look on the sides. It's self explanatory.