Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Ways To Make Money Through Google Adsense

Well here is the bottom line about making money with Google Adsense. I'm not going to sit here and say yes it's going to make you rich over-night or promise you dream vacations. The reality of it is yes you can make decent money off of Google Adsense using various outlets such as blogs, is very good and integrates with Adsense very well. Another method I use is Youtube, and through Youtube I can monetize any video I have the rights to. This enables Youtube to add commercials and ads to your video, and when someone clicks you earn money. This is not a Pay Per Click where you have to spend money. The biggest investment you will make on this is time. The more time and effort you put into promoting your blogs or videos, the better results you will get. It doesn't take much but an idea. Look thru my blog and get an idea of what I'm doing. Who knows, you may come up with something great. Good luck!

Here is an Example of a Monetized Video on Youtube, if you don't see the ad or commercial on here then watch it on Youtube. And the blog, well take a look on the sides. It's self explanatory.


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